Sunday, 18 February 2007

Academic Representation

Representation is one of the Union’s core functions. Elect me to have a President who is aware of the issues facing you and will lobby both externally and internally to ensure that you are treated fairly. I would continue the current campaign that has brought to light the fact that there are wild disparities across departments of the proportion of first and upper second class degrees awarded. In an increasingly competitive graduate job market that demands a “good” degree it is unacceptable that there is such a difference. In addition, it is also unfair that some departments have the right to downgrade the marks of students who take courses in humanities or the business school. Why should two candidates with identical marks get different grades just because they are in different departments? It is just plain unfair and your Union has the power to make a difference.
Despite the problems with the DPGS position this year, postgraduate representation has improved. The GSA have done a wonderful job and no matter what the upcoming investigation into the DPGS position finds the GSA should still be encouraged. If it is decided that there will no longer be a postgraduate sabbatical then resourses need to be dedicated to ensure that the DPEW is fully up to speed on postgraduate issues.

Elect me as President and I will:-

1.) Campaign to ensure that students get the degree class that their workload merits.

2.) Give greater central union support to the establishment of RCSU and C&G sabbatical officers as they are currently run by volunteers who don’t have time to pursue this on their own.

3.)Not allow postgraduate students to lose out when the DPGS position is reviewed.

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